Top Dog 2014
Valley Hills Obedience Club’s Top Dog Team for 2014 showed up bright and early for the 2014 Top Dog Competition in Escondido, CA. Our day started off nice and cool, and then the heat was on! The HVOC training field is beautiful, the footing was great, and all of our dogs and handlers came with plenty of energy and enthusiasm!
After the first round, Jinny Chow and Candie did a wonderful job in Novice, along with Gwen Fiorito and Destry. Gwen and Destry were called back for a nail biter runoff to break a tie for the 4th place dog in their ring after round one. They did a great job under pressure and ended up in the fifth spot after the runoff.
Our Open team, Sharon Clarke and Flynn, received a call-back for the second round by scoring in the top four in their ring and did a super job in the second round!
Cindi and Jenna gave Utility a good shot, and so did Patti Rovtar and Chili. Patti and Chili were called back for the second round but had a little snafu that bumped them out of the running for a top score.
At the end of the day, our Shining Stars this year were Flynn and Sharon, who after two rounds earned 2nd place of twenty-nine Open dogs competing! A huge Congratulations are well deserved for this working team!
Top Dog is a wonderful event and a lot of fun! We all set up together and cheer each other
and our friends on the other teams, on! VHOC finished 13th this year out of 15 clubs competing. We went to this event with a skeleton team for 2014. A full team is nine dog/handler teams and we were a Team of five! For club members who are training for competitive obedience, we hope to see you with interest and participation for our 2015 team!
Patti Rovtar and Cindi Malchose
Top Dog Co-Captains