Training Site Rules
Please remember that training on the grounds of Canoga Park Lutheran School is a privilege that has been granted to our club. In order to maintain that privilege, strict adherence to the rules outlined below is necessary. We ask for everyone's cooperation so that all club members can continue to benefit from the use of our wonderful training facility. Thanks in advance for your help and understanding!
School Rules
VHOC members and students are allowed access to the school grounds from 6:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please do not plan to arrive early or stay late.
Parking within the school grounds is reserved for VHOC members and instructors. Non-member students attending the Basic Obedience & Manners classes are asked to park outside of the parking lot (there is usually ample parking on Jordan Ave.)
Training or playing on the grass area is restricted to VHOC members and those students whose classes are held on the grass. Students whose classes are held on the blacktop are asked to potty their dogs outside of the training facility. Guests without their canine companions are welcome to observe individual training or classes.
Everyone MUST be responsible for picking up after his or her dog(s) and disposing of all waste in the can provided by VHOC. DO NOT TOSS ANY DOG WASTE IN THE SCHOOL TRASH CANS! No exceptions!
Dogs are not allowed in the planter areas at any time. Members are asked to potty their dogs along the outer perimeter of the field.
Dogs are not allowed inside the gymnasium (or other school buildings) at any time, for any reason.
Dogs are to be under the control of the owner/handler at all times.
Dogs must be contained in a crate or X-pen when not being actively handled.
Excessive barking will not be tolerated.
Students are responsible for setting up and breaking down any equipment that might be required for their class.